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Total nail surgery

See images

This procedure removes the full nail and is used for particularly problematic or deformed nails. 


In most cases, we use a chemical to stop the nail regrowing.  


Typical healing time: 6-8 weeks.



More details

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Following your online consultation with our podiatrist, you will attend the clinic for your surgery appointment.  


Your appointment with us will normally be approximately 1 hour.  This includes the time for the local anaesthetic injection however the procedure will only last approximately 20 minutes.  You will be able to walk out of the clinic but should ensure you have someone to drive you home.


During the procedure


  • Two injections of local anaesthetic are given to numb the toe.

  • Once the toe is numb, an elastic tourniquet is applied.

  • The problematic nail is removed from the nail bed and the chemical phenol is applied using nail surgery guidelines to prevent regrowth.

  • The tourniquet is removed and a padded surgical dressing is applied.  This dressing must be kept dry and in place until your next dressing appointment.  The wound will need to be re-dressed until full healing.


Following the procedure


  • You are able to walk immediately afterwards.

  • Open toe shoes/sandals are recommended to reduce the pressure on the toe after the procedure.

  • We recommend you don't drive for 12 hours following administration of the local anaesthetic. Please make arrangements for getting a lift home from the clinic following the procedure.

  • We advise that you go directly home following the procedure and rest with your leg elevated for the remainder of the day.

  • Excessive walking (e.g. walking for exercise) is discouraged in the first 48 hours after the procedure. We will advise on your individual return to sport/exercise.

  • Tight fitting sports or dress shoes are not advised in the first 3-4 weeks following the procedure.

  • You will be supplied with an out of hours contact number to be able to get in touch with us for any additional advice.


Post-operative reviews


  • You will be required to return for 1-2 appointments in the 2 weeks following the procedure for review, cleaning of the toe and re-dressings.

  • Following the final re-dressing, you can care for the toe at home until it has completely healed. We will show you how to re-dress the toe yourself.  We will keep in touch with you via online appointments.

  • A final check will be recommended at 10-12 weeks post-operatively.

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