Nail conditions
Below are some nail conditons that we offer nail surgery for. We generally provide nail surgery for patients who have been advised by their GP or podiatrist to seek further treatment.

Mild involution
This nail shows signs of involution (ingrowing) at both sides and this can usually be managed with routine podiatry care but sometimes patients decide to have the nail treated surgically if causing pain.
Options: partial & total nail surgery

Moderate involution
This nail is more involuted (ingrowing) at one side but again has the potential to be managed with regular routine podiatry care. Nail surgery can be offered as an option to reduce the need for ongoing treatment.
Options: partial nail surgery (total can also be offered)

Moderate/severe involution
This nail is involuted on both sides (ingrowing) but again has the potential to be managed with regular routine podiatry care. There are some signs of inflammation around the edge which might indicate that this is an ongoing issue and nail surgery could be offered as an option.
Options: total nail surgery due to degree of involution

Damaged nail
Cases where the nail is damaged and distorted can also be treated by nail surgery if standard podiatry care is not successful. This nail is also involuted (ingrowing) but again has the potential to be managed with regular routine podiatry care.
Options: total nail surgery due to damage to nail plate and degree of involution

Mild cryptosis
The nail in this picture is very short and ingrowing at the inside edge and there are signs of possible issues with bleeding and discomfort. Standard podiatry care would be useful for this nail and if not resolving then nail surgery could be offered.
Options: partial nail surgery

Moderate cryptosis
This photograph shows a nail that has progressed from the above and has now developed hypergranulation tissue. This tissue can bleed and also open the area to infection. Standard podiatry care can help to manage this type of nail however quite often nail surgery is required.
Options: partial nail surgery

Moderate/severe cryptosis
The nail in this picture has progressed and shows signs of localised infection on one side of the nail. The hypergranulation tissue is more established and it is likely to be painful, patients are often provided antibiotics. Standard podiatry care is unlikely to resolve this issue completely and therefore nail surgery is a good option in this case.
Options: partial nail surgery (total can also be offered)

Severe cryptosis
The nail in this photograph has developed into a more severe issue with established hypergranulation tissue at both sides of the nail along with signs of infection surrounding the nail too. It is likely to cause pain and discomfort and likely will have required antibiotics. Nail surgery is a good option for these types of nail conditions.
Options: partial on both sides of the nail, or a total nail removal